Why Do Artists Take Part in Free Art Movements?

By | 6:33 PM

So you may have heard about the Free Art Friday Movement and now you are wondering - what is the point? Aside from just being nice, why do artists do this?  Here is what I have gathered from those I know who have participated.

It is an opportunity to share art with others removing the financial and time constraints from the transaction. It allows people who would not otherwise be able to spend money, or who are perhaps unable to make it to local art shops or shows, the chance to still own a piece of art. The connections of the local artist with their local art lovers and the ability to bring them together in an unimposing public space are a reward in itself. 

The accessibility is unconditional. When the internet is incorporated there is the magic of bringing the artist together with their locals initially from and then away from the internet which is another great connection. It is not unheard of for a public hand-to-hand Free Art Friday transaction to occur either. An artist can strike up a conversation and talk about their art and if they see the other person have a true interest, offer their free art piece. 

copper rings intwined my world your world inside background pier and copper railing
My World Reaches by asboluv

For the most part, it is simply FUN. And at the end of the day both parties are happier for it. The artist knows that something they created has a home with a philanthropic association. It makes for a great story, so the art and artist are going to be talked about. It is much like a free sample. It serves as a fun activity, like a game, which gets you out and about searching for art-treasures hidden in public places. 

To find out more about this art movement in your area, I suggest doing a search for “free art Friday (name of your city).” This movement has rippled all over the world, and sometimes involves a group decorating a public area together all at once or sometimes it is held on different days. "Free Art Night" is about as popular as Free Art Friday. It is NOT an exclusive group or movement - Anyone is welcome to join in. 

To learn more about the Free Art Friday Movement Click Here.

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